
The unit CNRS UMR8199 Integrative Genomics and Modelling of Metabolic Diseases, led by Professor Philippe Froguel, is coordinator of the EQUIPEX LIGAN. This future program allows the laboratory to hold one of the best platforms for sequencing and genotyping broadband world. The EQUIPEX LIGAN, also offers the opportunity to study the human sequencing in order to offer a more personalized medicine.

Precigenics is a spin-off of CNRS UMR8199 / LIGAN–Personalized Medicine platform, part of EGID (European Genomic Institute for Diabetes).

Mission – implement and develop the evidence supporting the utilization of novel tools, prospective models, and care paradigms to improve efficacy, safety, effectiveness, and economics of medical care.

Vision – transform the Health System to optimize and deliver precision medicine strategies for mainstream healthcare.

Status – Precigenics will be organized as a corporation, with an executive office in Lille – France, (May 2016). The company will serve as a for-profit company, and will work with healthcare organisations, Academic Research Labs, and biotechs in Europe, United-States and Middle East.

Precigenics has developed an innovative precision diagnostic solution integrating genomics and metabolomics , an ” end-to -end ” service from the production of biological data to their interpretation for expert assistance in clinical decision.