
Since 2018, LiGAN platform has developed a system for quality management to meet the ISO NF 15189 requirement in order to be accredited by the French accreditation committee (Cofrac). This specific norm states the requirements in terms of quality and skills tailored for biomedical laboratories. The aim of Quality management within a lab is to insure the accuracy, reliability, traceability, identity monitoring along with the confidentiality of results. We commit to continuously improve our system’s efficiency in quality management.


Please find below the relevant documents to better undertsand the functioning of our platform and to learn about our diagnostic analysis offers :

Quality Manual

Sampling Manual

Examination request form

Certificate of consultation and consent

Oragene sampling data sheet


Panels of genes involved in monogenic forms of the diseases studied (March 2021) :

Diabetes / Hypersinsulinism


Intellectual Deficiency

Lipid Disorders / Lipodystrophy / Insulin Resistance / Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Kidney Disorders

Cardiac Disorders

Liver Disorders



Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
